A veritable plethora of new t-shirt appreciation!

It’s been a wee while since I posted, but in that time I’ve had a tremendous reaction to every t-shirt with a design I have worn.  Three in particular garnered some great comments.

The first is this Xenomorph tee, bought for £8 from Qwertee.

me kids alien tee shirt

I was out and about with the girls, and was stopped by Capital FM to take this great picture that demonstrates how awesome the design is.  Shortly after we popped into our local Tesco, and at the counter a rather attractive young woman behind the counter stopped serving her customer, leaned over and said ‘I can’t believe how cool that t-shirt is!’  It’s good to know that while I may be getting old and grey, at least my t-shirts still attract the opposite sex!

Anyway, onto the next one, and this is a Dredd related tee, by the rather awesome Brendan McCarthy.  His style has always been brash, colourful, and psychedelic.  This design on a t-shirt I found on Amazon is no different:

dredd mcarthy

I had a reaction when I posted this up on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  Lots of Facebook buddies into 2000AD ‘liked’ it. However, a friend of mine called Warren commented ‘not really into Dredd, but that’s a cool t-shirt.’  This is testament to the crazy work of McCarthy, who can draw in the viewer regardless of any attitude twoards the subject matter.  Nice one Brendan!  While I prefer the more in-joke logo type stuff, this one is going to be a regular wear for me.

Talking of which, here’s just one such logo.  I wore this awesome Justice Department tee from Last Exit To Nowhere to a huge house party last night.

justice dept tee

The party was full of moshers and metallers of all ages and backgrounds. A good majority instantly recognised the source material, and while they may not have been readers of 2000AD, they were all huge fans of the film ‘Dredd’ upon which this design is based.  As a result, we ended up with a room full of people discussing the merits of this film, and ‘that other one’.  I was able to regale them with my tale of going to the preview in London, meeting Karl Urban etc, and the conversation soon turned to discussion about a sequel.  I even managed to persuade a couple of folk to check out the awesome Judge Minty on Youtube.

So all in all, it has been an absolutely cracking week for my t-shirts.  As someone once said to me, what I wear often acts as great social currency, provoking discussion with individuals or groups, and making friends out of casual aquaintances and strangers.  This Justice Department t-shirt is a perfect example of that.

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